Krieg in Wien 1989

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A film about the news, life, love, and death. Four days in Vienna. Four days of world news. At home we give birth, teach our children, wash our dead, or just wait for the bus. These everyday images are presented in striking contrast to the images television brings us during this period. A Philippine ferry sinks, Saddam Hussein decorates soldiers, and in Vienna there is a war that never happened.
With news from: Argentina, Brazil, West Germany, China, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Cuba, Luxembourg, Libya, Monaco, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Senegal, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Syria, USA, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia.


Directed by: Michael Glawogger, Ulrich Seidl
Screenplay: Michael Glawogger, Ulrich Seidl, Ortrun Bauer, Andrea Wagner; Barbara Zuber (commentary)
Cinematography: Ortrun Bauer, Hans Selikovsky, Wolfgang Thaler
Editing: Andrea Wagner, Ortrun Bauer
Sound: Wolfgang Murnberger, Michael Sturminger
Sound Mixing: Karl Höfler
Music: Armin Pokorn, Günter Kiffmann
Special Effects: Manfred Haspl
Line Producer: Eva Mayer
Cast: Karin David-Kienzer (teacher), Dagmar Schwarz (tour guide) and Thomas Stolzetti (narrator)
Language: German/English
Format: color, 16mm
Running time: 84 min
Produced by: Vienna University of Music and Perfroming Arts
Premiere: November 2, 1989, Vienna, Filmhaus Stöbergasse